Go to the documentation of this file.
40 * @todo Check whether constructing the names for aggregated constraint yields name clashes (aggrXXX).
82#define DEFAULT_LINEARIZE_ANDS TRUE /**< should possible \"and\" constraint be linearized when writing the mps file? */
83#define DEFAULT_AGGRLINEARIZATION_ANDS TRUE /**< should an aggregated linearization for and constraints be used? */
423 "Warning line %d: %s \"%s\" for %s \"%s\" ignored\n", mpsi->lineno, what, what_name, entity, entity_name);
690 SCIP_CALL( SCIPduplicateBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*varnames)[(*nvars)], colname, strlen(colname) + 1) ); /*lint !e866*/
712 SCIP_CALL( SCIPduplicateBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*consnames)[(*ncons)], rowname, strlen(rowname) + 1) ); /*lint !e866*/
731 if( !mpsinputReadLine(mpsi) || mpsinputField0(mpsi) == NULL || strcmp(mpsinputField0(mpsi), "NAME") )
778 /* Although this is not explicitly in the MPS extensions as provided by CPLEX, some other MIP solvers
779 * (in particular gurobi), put 'MIN' or 'MAX' as the input field on the same line as the section declaration */
901 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "row", mpsinputField2(mpsi), "objective function", "N", SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
933 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsLinear(scip, &cons, mpsinputField2(mpsi), 0, NULL, NULL, 0.0, SCIPinfinity(scip),
941 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsLinear(scip, &cons, mpsinputField2(mpsi), 0, NULL, NULL, -SCIPinfinity(scip), 0.0,
952 SCIP_CALL( addConsNameToStorage(scip, consnames, consnamessize, nconsnames, mpsinputField2(mpsi)) );
999 if( mpsinputField1(mpsi) == NULL || mpsinputField2(mpsi) == NULL || mpsinputField3(mpsi) == NULL )
1029 /* for integer variables, default bounds are 0 <= x < 1(not +infinity, like it is for continuous variables), and default cost is 0 */
1036 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateVar(scip, &var, colname, 0.0, SCIPinfinity(scip), 0.0, SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS,
1052 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "Column", mpsinputField1(mpsi), "row", mpsinputField2(mpsi), SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL);
1058 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "Coefficient of variable <%s> in constraint <%s> contains infinite value <%e>,"
1078 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "Column", mpsinputField1(mpsi), "row", mpsinputField4(mpsi), SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL);
1133 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "reading rhs section, a field is missing, assuming that the vector name is the missing one(, row identfier <%s>)\n", mpsinputField2(mpsi));
1138 if( mpsinputField1(mpsi) == NULL || mpsinputField2(mpsi) == NULL || mpsinputField3(mpsi) == NULL )
1156 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "RHS", mpsinputField1(mpsi), "row", mpsinputField2(mpsi), SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
1185 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "RHS <%s> lhs: %g rhs: %g val: <%22.12g>\n", mpsinputField2(mpsi), lhs, rhs, val);
1199 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "RHS", mpsinputField1(mpsi), "row", mpsinputField4(mpsi), SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
1228 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "RHS <%s> lhs: %g rhs: %g val: <%22.12g>\n", mpsinputField4(mpsi), lhs, rhs, val);
1278 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "reading ranged section, a field is missing, assuming that the vector name is the missing one(, row identfier <%s>)\n", mpsinputField2(mpsi));
1283 if( mpsinputField1(mpsi) == NULL || mpsinputField2(mpsi) == NULL || mpsinputField3(mpsi) == NULL )
1302 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "Range", mpsinputField1(mpsi), "row", mpsinputField2(mpsi), SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
1338 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "Range", mpsinputField1(mpsi), "row", mpsinputField4(mpsi), SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
1430 || !strcmp(mpsinputField1(mpsi), "LI") /* CPLEX extension: lower bound of integer variable given in field 4 */
1431 || !strcmp(mpsinputField1(mpsi), "UI") /* CPLEX extension: upper bound of integer variable given in field 4 */
1432 || !strcmp(mpsinputField1(mpsi), "SC") /* CPLEX extension: semi-continuous variable, upper bound given in field 4 */
1433 || !strcmp(mpsinputField1(mpsi), "SI") )/* CPLEX extension: semi-integer variable, upper bound given in field 4 */
1449 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "in bound section a name for value <%s> might be missing\n", mpsinputField3(mpsi));
1457 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "in bound section a value for column <%s> is missing, assuming 0.0\n", mpsinputField3(mpsi));
1483 if( mpsinputField1(mpsi) == NULL || mpsinputField2(mpsi) == NULL || mpsinputField3(mpsi) == NULL )
1496 /* if variable did not appear in columns section before, then it may still come in later sections (QCMATRIX, QMATRIX, SOS, ...)
1497 * thus add it as continuous variables, which has default bounds 0.0 <= x, and default cost 0.0 */
1503 SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS, !mpsi->dynamiccols, mpsi->dynamiccols, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) );
1508 /* mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "column", mpsinputField3(mpsi), "bound", bndname, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL); */
1520 /* If a bound of a binary variable is given, the variable is converted into an integer variable
1521 * with default bounds 0 <= x <= infinity before applying the bound. Note that integer variables
1522 * are by default assumed to be binary, but an explicit lower bound of 0 turns them into integer variables.
1526 (mpsinputField1(mpsi)[0] == 'F' && mpsinputField1(mpsi)[1] == 'X')) && SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, val, 1.0))
1527 && !(mpsinputField1(mpsi)[0] == 'F' && mpsinputField1(mpsi)[1] == 'X'&& SCIPisFeasEQ(scip, val, 0.0)) )
1536 /* switch variable type to continuous before applying the bound, this is necessary for stupid non-integral
1550 if( !SCIPisZero(scip, SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var)) && SCIPisLT(scip, val, SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var)) )
1552 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "Relaxing already defined lower bound %g of variable <%s> to %g not allowed.\n", SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var), SCIPvarGetName(var), val);
1561 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "variable <%s> declared as integral has a non-integral lower bound (%.14g) -> if feasible, bounds will be adjusted\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), val);
1564 /* don't assert feasibility here because the presolver will and should detect a infeasibility */
1570 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "variable <%s> declared as integral has a non-integral lower bound (%.14g) -> if feasible, bounds will be adjusted\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), val);
1578 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "Relaxing already defined upper bound %g of variable <%s> to %g not allowed.\n", SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var), SCIPvarGetName(var), val);
1586 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "variable <%s> declared as integral has a non-integral upper bound (%.14g) -> if feasible, bounds will be adjusted\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), val);
1590 /* don't assert feasibility here because the presolver will and should detect an infeasibility */
1596 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "variable <%s> declared as integral has a non-integral upper bound (%.14g) -> if feasible, bounds will be adjusted\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), val);
1601 assert(mpsinputField1(mpsi)[1] == 'C' || mpsinputField1(mpsi)[1] == 'I'); /* semi-continuous or semi-integer (CPLEX extension) */
1619 if( mpsinputField1(mpsi)[1] == 'I' ) /* variable is semi-integer, hence change its type to integer (the "semi" part will be handled below) */
1622 /* don't assert feasibility here because the presolver will and should detect an infeasibility */
1625 /* if both bounds are infinite anyway, we do not need to print a warning or change the bound */
1630 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "Relaxing already defined upper bound %g of variable <%s> to %g not allowed.\n", SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var), SCIPvarGetName(var), val);
1658 /* don't assert feasibility here because the presolver will and should detect a infeasibility */
1681 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "bound", mpsinputField2(mpsi), "variable", mpsinputField3(mpsi), SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
1703 assert(SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER || SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS);
1727 !mpsi->dynamiccols, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, mpsi->dynamicconss, mpsi->dynamiccols, FALSE);
1734 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "add bound disjunction constraint for semi-continuity/-integrality of <%s>:\n\t", SCIPvarGetName(var));
1753 * @note Currently we do not support the standard way of specifying SOS constraints via markers.
1845 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsSOS1(scip, &cons, name, 0, NULL, NULL, initial, separate, enforce, check, propagate,
1851 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsSOS2(scip, &cons, name, 0, NULL, NULL, initial, separate, enforce, check, propagate,
1877 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "column", mpsinputField1(mpsi), "SOS", name, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
1941 * - We read the QMATRIX or QUADOBJ section, which is a nonstandard section introduced by CPLEX.
2007 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "column", mpsinputField1(mpsi), "QMatrix", "QMATRIX", SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
2019 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "column", mpsinputField2(mpsi), "QMatrix", "QMATRIX", SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
2030 SCIPerrorMessage("coefficient of term <%s>*<%s> not specified.\n", SCIPvarGetName(var1), SCIPvarGetName(var2));
2041 SCIPerrorMessage("coefficient of term <%s>*<%s> not specified.\n", SCIPvarGetName(var1), SCIPvarGetName(var2));
2065 * in a QMATRIX section also off-diagonal have to be divided by 2.0, since both lower and upper diagonal elements are given
2071 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "stored term %g*<%s>*<%s>.\n", coef, SCIPvarGetName(var1), SCIPvarGetName(var2));
2080 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "column", mpsinputField4(mpsi), "QMatrix", "QMATRIX", SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
2097 /* determine settings; note that reading/{initialconss,dynamicconss,dynamicrows,dynamiccols} apply only to model
2098 * constraints and variables, not to an auxiliary objective constraint (otherwise it can happen that an auxiliary
2099 * objective variable is loose with infinite best bound, triggering the problem that an LP that is unbounded
2112 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateVar(scip, &qmatrixvar, "qmatrixvar", -SCIPinfinity(scip), SCIPinfinity(scip), 1.0,
2127 retcode = SCIPcreateConsQuadraticNonlinear(scip, &cons, "qmatrix", 1, &qmatrixvar, &minusone, cnt, quadvars1, quadvars2, quadcoefs, lhs, rhs,
2237 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "column", mpsinputField1(mpsi), "QCMatrix", SCIPconsGetName(lincons), SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
2246 mpsinputEntryIgnored(scip, mpsi, "column", mpsinputField2(mpsi), "QCMatrix", SCIPconsGetName(lincons), SCIP_VERBLEVEL_NORMAL);
2253 SCIPerrorMessage("coefficient of term <%s>*<%s> not specified.\n", mpsinputField1(mpsi), mpsinputField2(mpsi));
2263 SCIPerrorMessage("coefficient of term <%s>*<%s> not specified.\n", mpsinputField1(mpsi), mpsinputField2(mpsi));
2285 SCIPdebugMsg(scip, "stored term %g*<%s>*<%s>.\n", coef, SCIPvarGetName(var1), SCIPvarGetName(var2));
2291 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "ignoring data in fields 4 and 5 <%s> <%s>.\n", mpsinputField4(mpsi), mpsinputField5(mpsi));
2303 SCIPgetNVarsLinear(scip, lincons), SCIPgetVarsLinear(scip, lincons), SCIPgetValsLinear(scip, lincons),
2304 cnt, quadvars1, quadvars2, quadcoefs, SCIPgetLhsLinear(scip, lincons), SCIPgetRhsLinear(scip, lincons),
2305 SCIPconsIsInitial(lincons), SCIPconsIsSeparated(lincons), SCIPconsIsEnforced(lincons), SCIPconsIsChecked(lincons),
2306 SCIPconsIsPropagated(lincons), SCIPconsIsLocal(lincons), SCIPconsIsModifiable(lincons), SCIPconsIsDynamic(lincons),
2458 SCIPerrorMessage("binary variable <%s> can only take values 0/1 (%s).\n", mpsinputField3(mpsi), mpsinputField4(mpsi));
2587 SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE( retcode, SCIPcreateProb(scip, mpsi->probname, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), TERMINATE );
2601 SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE( retcode, readRows(mpsi, scip, consnames, consnamessize, nconsnames), TERMINATE );
2605 SCIP_CALL_TERMINATE( retcode, readCols(mpsi, scip, varnames, varnamessize, nvarnames), TERMINATE );
2919 SCIP_Real* vals, /**< array of coefficients values (or NULL if all coefficient values are 1) */
2964 SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetProbvarLinearSum(scip, activevars, activevals, &nactivevars, nactivevars, &activeconstant, &requiredsize, TRUE) );
2971 SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetProbvarLinearSum(scip, activevars, activevals, &nactivevars, requiredsize, &activeconstant, &requiredsize, TRUE) );
2981 /* negated variables with an original counterpart may also be returned by SCIPvarGetOrigvarSum();
3016/** check whether given variables are aggregated and put them into an array without duplication */
3081 SCIP_HASHMAP** varnameHashmap /**< pointer to hash map storing variable, variable name mapping */
3131 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "there are %d variable names which have to be cut down to %d characters; LP might be corrupted\n",
3175 /* in case the transformed problem is written, only constraints are posted which are enabled in the current node */
3182 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "At least one name of a constraint is empty, so file will be written with generic names.\n");
3193 if( NULL != (consnamefreq = (CONSNAMEFREQ *)SCIPhashtableRetrieve(consfreq, (void*)SCIPconsGetName(cons))) )
3201 /* the new length is the length of the old name + a '_' and the freq number which has floor(log10(freq)) + 1 characters */
3207 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "Constraints have duplicate name and are too long to fix, so file will be written with generic names.\n");
3250 SCIP_HASHTABLE* indicatorSlackHash, /**< hashtable containing slack variables from indicators (or NULL) */
3262 SCIPsortPtrPtrReal((void**) matrix->columns, (void**) matrix->rows, matrix->values, SCIPvarComp, matrix->nentries);
3408 /* in case the transformed problems is written only constraint are posted which are enabled in the current node;
3467 SCIP_HASHTABLE* indicatorSlackHash, /**< hashtable containing slack variables from indicators (or NULL) */
3768 SCIP_CALL( SCIPwriteMps(scip, reader, file, name, transformed, objsense, objscale, objoffset, vars,
3769 nvars, nbinvars, nintvars, nimplvars, ncontvars, fixedvars, nfixedvars, conss, nconss, result) );
3791 SCIP_CALL( SCIPincludeReaderBasic(scip, &reader, READER_NAME, READER_DESC, READER_EXTENSION, readerdata) );
3817 const char* filename, /**< full path and name of file to read, or NULL if stdin should be used */
3833 retcode = readMps(scip, filename, varnames, consnames, varnamessize, consnamessize, nvarnames, nconsnames);
3860 SCIP_VAR** vars, /**< array with active variables ordered binary, integer, implicit, continuous */
3943 SCIP_CALL( checkConsnames(scip, conss, nconss, transformed, &maxnamelen, &consnames, &error) );
3949 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "write transformed problem with generic variable and constraint names\n");
3954 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "write original problem with generic variable and constraint names\n");
3962 /* check if the variable names are not too long and build the "variable" -> "variable name" hash map */
3978 SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashtableCreate(&varFixedHash, SCIPblkmem(scip), nfixedvars, hashGetKeyVar, hashKeyEqVar, hashKeyValVar, NULL) );
3985 SCIP_CALL( SCIPhashtableCreate(&indicatorSlackHash, SCIPblkmem(scip), nvars, hashGetKeyVar, hashKeyEqVar, hashKeyValVar, NULL) );
4006 /* need to check for and-constraints, note that in the original problem you cannot get the number of
4039 SCIPinfoMessage(scip, file, "* Variables : %d (%d binary, %d integer, %d implicit integer, %d continuous)\n",
4064 /* we also want to add integer variables to the columns section, even if the objective value is 0, because it
4065 * might happen that they only exist in non-linear constraints, which leads to no other line in the column section
4088 /* in case the transformed problems is written only constraint are posted which are enabled in the current node;
4109 /* there is nothing to do if the left hand side is minus infinity and the right side is infinity */
4126 SCIP_CALL( getLinearCoeffs(scip, consname, SCIPgetVarsLinear(scip, cons), SCIPgetValsLinear(scip, cons),
4149 SCIP_CALL( getLinearCoeffs(scip, consname, SCIPgetVarsSetppc(scip, cons), NULL, SCIPgetNVarsSetppc(scip, cons), transformed, matrix, &rhss[c]) );
4159 SCIP_CALL( getLinearCoeffs(scip, consname, SCIPgetVarsLogicor(scip, cons), NULL, SCIPgetNVarsLogicor(scip, cons), transformed, matrix, &rhss[c]) );
4166 printRowType(scip, file, -SCIPinfinity(scip), (SCIP_Real) SCIPgetCapacityKnapsack(scip, cons), consname);
4179 SCIP_CALL( getLinearCoeffs(scip, consname, SCIPgetVarsKnapsack(scip, cons), vals, nconsvars, transformed, matrix, &rhss[c]) );
4188 /* there is nothing to do if the left hand side is minus infinity and the right side is infinity */
4215 SCIP_CALL( getLinearCoeffs(scip, consname, consvars, vals, 2, transformed, matrix, &rhss[c]) );
4236 SCIP_CALL( collectAggregatedVars(scip, &slackvar, 1, &aggvars, &naggvars, &saggvars, varFixedHash) );
4244 SCIP_CALL( collectAggregatedVars(scip, &binvar, 1, &aggvars, &naggvars, &saggvars, varFixedHash) );
4266 SCIP_CALL( collectAggregatedVars(scip, consvars, nconsvars, &aggvars, &naggvars, &saggvars, varFixedHash) );
4273 /* check for aggregated variables in SOS2 constraints for later output aggregations as linear constraints */
4280 SCIP_CALL( collectAggregatedVars(scip, consvars, nconsvars, &aggvars, &naggvars, &saggvars, varFixedHash) );
4302 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "constraint handler <%s> cannot print requested format\n", conshdlrname );
4312 SCIPexprGetQuadraticData(expr, &constant, &nlinexprs, &linexprs, &lincoefs, &nquadexprs, NULL, NULL,
4334 /* there is nothing to do if the left hand side is minus infinity and the right side is infinity */
4358 SCIP_CALL( getLinearCoeffs(scip, consname, linvars, lincoefs, nlinexprs, transformed, matrix, &rhss[c]) );
4361 SCIP_CALL( getLinearCoeffs(scip, consname, quadvars, quadvarlincoefs, nquadexprs, transformed, matrix,
4367 /* check for aggregated variables in quadratic part of quadratic constraints for later output of
4372 SCIP_CALL( collectAggregatedVars(scip, consvars, nconsvars, &aggvars, &naggvars, &saggvars, varFixedHash) );
4451 SCIP_CALL( getLinearCoeffs(scip, rowname, rowvars, rowvals, 2, transformed, matrix, &rhss[k]) );
4498 SCIP_CALL( getLinearCoeffs(scip, rowname, rowvars, rowvals, nrowvars + 1, transformed, matrix, &rhss[k]) );
4512 SCIP_CALL( getLinearCoeffs(scip, consname, rowvars, rowvals, nrowvars + 1, transformed, matrix, &rhss[c]) );
4523 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "change parameter \"reading/" READER_NAME "/linearize-and-constraints\" to TRUE to print and-constraints\n");
4531 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "constraint handler <%s> cannot print requested format\n", conshdlrname );
4537 SCIPwarningMessage(scip, "there are %d and-constraint-rownames which have to be cut down to %d characters; MPS file might be corrupted\n",
4553 /* construct variables name of the needed aggregated variables and the constraint names for the aggregation constraints */
4582 SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &namestr, MPS_MAX_NAMELEN) ); /* note that namestr above is freed via varnames */
4592 SCIP_CALL( getLinearCoeffs(scip, namestr, &(aggvars[c]), NULL, 1, transformed, matrix, &rhss[nconss + naddrows + c]) );
4604 /* @todo only collect fixed variables in the non-linear constraint types, where they (could not be)/(were not) removed */
4655 printRhsSection(scip, file, nconss + naddrows +naggvars, consnames, rhss, maxnamelen, objscale * objoffset);
4662 printBoundSection(scip, file, vars, nvars, aggvars, naggvars, fixvars, nfixvars, transformed, varnames, indicatorSlackHash, maxnamelen);
4740 * in difference to a quadratic term in the objective function, the quadratic part is not divided by 2 here
4790 /* print bilinear terms; CPLEX format expects a symmetric matrix with all coefficients specified,
Constraint handler for AND constraints, .
constraint handler for bound disjunction constraints
constraint handler for indicator constraints
Constraint handler for knapsack constraints of the form , x binary and .
Constraint handler for linear constraints in their most general form, .
Constraint handler for logicor constraints (equivalent to set covering, but algorithms are suited fo...
constraint handler for nonlinear constraints specified by algebraic expressions
Constraint handler for the set partitioning / packing / covering constraints .
constraint handler for SOS type 1 constraints
constraint handler for SOS type 2 constraints
Constraint handler for variable bound constraints .
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcheckQuadraticNonlinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_Bool *isquadratic)
Definition: cons_nonlinear.c:13879
int SCIPgetNVarsKnapsack(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_knapsack.c:13803
SCIP_Real SCIPgetVbdcoefVarbound(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_varbound.c:5572
int SCIPgetNVarsLogicor(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_logicor.c:5532
SCIP_Real SCIPgetRhsLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18490
SCIP_VAR ** SCIPgetVarsLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18577
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPchgRhsLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_Real rhs)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18535
SCIP_Real * SCIPgetWeightsSOS2(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_sos2.c:2778
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddCoefLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18218
SCIP_Real SCIPgetLhsLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18466
int SCIPgetNVarsLinear(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_linear.c:18553
SCIP_VAR * SCIPgetResultantAnd(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: cons_and.c:5248
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaddVarSOS1(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real weight)
Definition: cons_sos1.c:10716
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateConsBounddisjunction(SCIP *scip, SCIP_CONS **cons, const char *name, int nvars, SCIP_VAR **vars, SCIP_BOUNDTYPE *boundtypes, SCIP_Real *bounds, SCIP_Bool initial, SCIP_Bool separate, SCIP_Bool enforce, SCIP_Bool check, SCIP_Bool propagate, SCIP_Bool local, SCIP_Bool modifiable, SCIP_Bool dynamic, SCIP_Bool removable, SCIP_Bool stickingatnode)
Definition: cons_bounddisjunction.c:3286
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateConsIndicator(SCIP *