Go to the documentation of this file.
95#define MAXNCLOCKSKIPS 64 /**< maximum number of SCIPsolveIsStopped() calls without checking the clock */
96#define NINITCALLS 1000L /**< minimum number of calls to SCIPsolveIsStopped() prior to dynamic clock skips */
97#define SAFETYFACTOR 1e-2 /**< the probability that SCIP skips the clock call after the time limit has already been reached */
114 /* in case lowerbound >= upperbound, we do not want to terminate with SCIP_STATUS_GAPLIMIT but with the ordinary
117 if( set->stage >= SCIP_STAGE_SOLVING && SCIPsetIsLE(set, SCIPgetUpperbound(set->scip), SCIPgetLowerbound(set->scip)) )
147 /* check if we have already called this function sufficiently often for a valid estimation of its average call interval */
152 /* use the measured time to update the average time interval between two calls to this method */
185 if( SCIPgetConcurrentMemTotal(set->scip) >= set->limit_memory*1048576.0 - stat->externmemestim * (1.0 + SCIPgetNConcurrentSolvers(set->scip)) )
189 || SCIPsetIsLT(set, (SCIPgetUpperbound(set->scip) - SCIPgetLowerbound(set->scip)) * SCIPgetTransObjscale(set->scip), set->limit_absgap )) )
191 else if( set->limit_primal != SCIP_INVALID && !SCIPsetIsPositive(set, (int)SCIPgetObjsense(set->scip) * (SCIPgetPrimalbound(set->scip) - set->limit_primal)) ) /*lint !e777*/
193 else if( set->limit_dual != SCIP_INVALID && !SCIPsetIsNegative(set, (int)SCIPgetObjsense(set->scip) * (SCIPgetDualbound(set->scip) - set->limit_dual)) ) /*lint !e777*/
203 else if( checknodelimits && set->limit_totalnodes >= 0 && stat->ntotalnodes >= set->limit_totalnodes )
205 else if( checknodelimits && set->limit_stallnodes >= 0 && stat->nnodes >= stat->bestsolnode + set->limit_stallnodes )
208 /* If stat->status was initialized to SCIP_STATUS_NODELIMIT or SCIP_STATUS_STALLNODELIMIT due to a previous call to SCIPsolveIsStopped(,,TRUE),
209 * in the case of checknodelimits == FALSE, we do not want to report here that the solve will be stopped due to a nodelimit.
212 return SCIPsyncstoreSolveIsStopped(SCIPgetSyncstore(set->scip)) || (stat->status != SCIP_STATUS_UNKNOWN && stat->status != SCIP_STATUS_NODELIMIT && stat->status != SCIP_STATUS_TOTALNODELIMIT && stat->status != SCIP_STATUS_STALLNODELIMIT);
214 return SCIPsyncstoreSolveIsStopped(SCIPgetSyncstore(set->scip)) || (stat->status != SCIP_STATUS_UNKNOWN);
247 assert(tree != NULL || heurtiming == SCIP_HEURTIMING_BEFOREPRESOL || heurtiming == SCIP_HEURTIMING_DURINGPRESOLLOOP);
255 assert(heurtiming != SCIP_HEURTIMING_AFTERNODE || (nextnode == NULL) == (SCIPtreeGetNNodes(tree) == 0));
260 /* nothing to do, if no heuristics are available, or if the branch-and-bound process is finished */
287 if( plunging && SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree) > 0 ) /* call plunging heuristics also at root node */
316 lpstateforkdepth = (tree->focuslpstatefork != NULL ? SCIPnodeGetDepth(tree->focuslpstatefork) : -1);
318 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "calling primal heuristics in depth %d (timing: %u)\n", depth, heurtiming);
367 SCIP_CALL( SCIPheurExec(set->heurs[h], set, primal, depth, lpstateforkdepth, heurtiming, nodeinfeasible,
373 SCIPerrorMessage("Buffer not completely freed after executing heuristic <%s>\n", SCIPheurGetName(set->heurs[h]));
378 /* if the new solution cuts off the current node due to a new primal solution (via the cutoff bound) interrupt
381 if( SCIPsolveIsStopped(set, stat, FALSE) || ( result == SCIP_FOUNDSOL && SCIPsetIsGE(set, lowerbound, primal->cutoffbound) ) )
384 /* check if the problem is proven to be unbounded, currently this happens only in reoptimization */
435 /* check if we want to abort on a cutoff; if we are not in the solving stage (e.g., in presolving), we want to abort
458 SCIP_CALL( SCIPpropExec(set->props[i], set, stat, depth, onlydelayed, tree->sbprobing, timingmask, &result) );
463 SCIPerrorMessage("Buffer not completely freed after executing propagator <%s>\n", SCIPpropGetName(set->props[i]));
471 /* beside the result pointer of the propagator we have to check if an internal cutoff was detected; this can
472 * happen when a global bound change was applied which is globally valid and leads locally (for the current node
475 *cutoff = *cutoff || (result == SCIP_CUTOFF) || (tree->cutoffdepth <= SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree));
501 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "calling propagation method of constraint handler <%s>\n", SCIPconshdlrGetName(set->conshdlrs[i]));
503 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconshdlrPropagate(set->conshdlrs[i], blkmem, set, stat, depth, fullpropagation, onlydelayed,
508 /* beside the result pointer of the propagator we have to check if an internal cutoff was detected; this can
509 * happen when a global bound change was applied which is globally valid and leads locally (for the current node
512 *cutoff = *cutoff || (result == SCIP_CUTOFF) || (tree->cutoffdepth <= SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree));
544 SCIP_CALL( SCIPpropExec(set->props[i], set, stat, depth, onlydelayed, tree->sbprobing, timingmask, &result) );
548 /* beside the result pointer of the propagator we have to check if an internal cutoff was detected; this can
549 * happen when a global bound change was applied which is globally valid and leads locally (for the current node
552 *cutoff = *cutoff || (result == SCIP_CUTOFF) || (tree->cutoffdepth <= SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree));
579 int maxproprounds, /**< maximal number of propagation rounds (-1: no limit, 0: parameter settings) */
608 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "domain propagation of node %p in depth %d (using depth %d, maxrounds %d, proptiming %u)\n",
611 /* propagate as long new bound changes were found and the maximal number of propagation rounds is not exceeded */
616 while( propagain && !(*cutoff) && !(*postpone) && propround < maxproprounds && !SCIPsolveIsStopped(set, stat, FALSE) )
621 SCIP_CALL( propagationRound(blkmem, set, stat, tree, depth, fullpropagation, FALSE, &delayed, &propagain, timingmask, cutoff, postpone) );
627 SCIP_CALL( propagationRound(blkmem, set, stat, tree, depth, fullpropagation, TRUE, &delayed, &propagain, timingmask, cutoff, postpone) );
630 /* if a reduction was found, we want to do another full propagation round (even if the propagator only claimed
662 int maxproprounds, /**< maximal number of propagation rounds (-1: no limit, 0: parameter settings) */
670 SCIP_CALL( propagateDomains(blkmem, set, stat, tree, depth, maxproprounds, TRUE, timingmask, cutoff, &postpone) );
673 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconflictFlushConss(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable) );
678/** returns whether the given variable with the old LP solution value should lead to an update of the pseudo cost entry */
700 /* if the variable is fixed at +/- infinity or it has an unbounded domain, then the domain-based update strategies will not work */
701 if( SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, REALABS(SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var))) || SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, REALABS(SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var))) )
704 /* @todo if set->branch_lpgainnorm == 's', then we would need to know then domain before branching
705 * since this is difficult to get, we don't check for unboundedness here and let the pscost update fail later
706 * however, this makes the weights used to spread a pseudo cost update over all domain changes inaccurate
716 /* the bound change on the given variable was responsible for the gain in the dual bound, if the variable's
717 * old solution value is outside the current bounds, and the new solution value is equal to the bound
740 PSEUDOCOST_IGNORE = 1, /**< bound changes on variable should be ignored for pseudo cost updates */
770 if( (updateintegers || updatecontinuous) && lp->solved && SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL && tree->focuslpstatefork != NULL )
785 /* get a buffer for the collected bound changes; start with a size twice as large as the number of nodes between
788 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetAllocBufferArray(set, &updates, (int)(2*(actdepth - tree->focuslpstatefork->depth))) );
792 /* search the nodes from LP fork down to current node for bound changes in between; move in this direction,
793 * because the bound changes closer to the LP fork are more likely to have a valid LP solution information
794 * attached; collect the bound changes for pseudo cost value updates and mark the corresponding variables such
813 /* we even collect redundant bound changes, since they were not redundant in the LP branching decision
816 * however, if the variable is continuous and we normalize the pseudo costs by the domain reduction,
817 * then getting the variable bound before the branching is not possible by looking at the variables branching information (since redundant branchings are not applied)
831 if( isPseudocostUpdateValid(var, set, boundchgs[i].data.branchingdata.lpsolval, updateintegers, updatecontinuous) &&
832 (SCIPvarGetType(var) != SCIP_VARTYPE_CONTINUOUS || !boundchgs[i].redundant || set->branch_lpgainnorm != 'd')
845 /* update the pseudo cost values and reset the variables' flags; assume, that the responsibility for the dual gain
850 lpgain = (SCIPlpGetObjval(lp, set, prob) - tree->focuslpstatefork->data.fork->lpobjval) * weight;
865 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "updating pseudocosts of <%s>: sol: %g -> %g, LP: %e -> %e => solvaldelta = %g, gain=%g, weight: %g\n",
875 * For continuous variables, we want to pseudocosts to be the average of the gain in the LP value
876 * if the domain is reduced from x% of its original width to y% of its original (e.g., global) width, i.e.,
877 * to be the average of LPgain / (oldwidth/origwidth - newwidth/origwidth) = LPgain * origwidth / (oldwidth - newwidth).
879 * from x% to y% of its original width can be computed by pseudocost * (oldwidth - newwidth) / origwidth.
880 * Since the original width cancels out, we can also define the pseudocosts as average of LPgain / (oldwidth - newwidth)
912 /* walk backwards through bound change information array to find the bound change corresponding to branching in updates[i]
920 /* first boundchange which upper bound is above the upper bound set by the branching in updates[i]
921 * if bdchginfo->boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING, then this should be exactly the bound change that we are looking for
922 * if bdchginfo->boundchgtype != SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING, then this should be because the branching domain change has not been applied to the variable due to redundancy
923 * in this case, i.e., if there was another boundchange coming from somewhere else, I am not sure whether oldbound is an accurate value to compute the old domain size, so we skip the pseudocosts update
936 /* if the bound change was redundant (e.g., due to a change in the global bound), then it was not applied, so there exists no corresponding bound change info
941 assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -oldbound)); /* branching on a variable fixed to -infinity does not make sense */
942 assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, updates[i]->newbound)); /* branching to infinity does not make sense */
944 /* if the old upper bound is at infinity or the new upper bound is at -infinity, then we say the delta (c-b) is infinity */
958 /* walk backwards through bound change information array to find the bound change corresponding to branching in updates[i]
966 /* first boundchange which lower bound is below the lower bound set by the branching in updates[i]
967 * if bdchginfo->boundchgtype == SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING, then this should be exactly the bound change that we are looking for
968 * if bdchginfo->boundchgtype != SCIP_BOUNDCHGTYPE_BRANCHING, then this should be because the branching domain change has not been applied to the variable due to redundancy
969 * in this case, i.e., if there was another boundchange coming from somewhere else, I am not sure whether oldbound is an accurate value to compute the old domain size, so we skip the pseudocosts update
982 /* if the bound change was redundant (e.g., due to a change in the global bound), then it was not applied, so there exists no corresponding bound change info
987 assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, oldbound)); /* branching on a variable fixed to +infinity does not make sense */
988 assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -updates[i]->newbound)); /* branching to infinity does not make sense */
990 /* if the old lower bound is at -infinity or the new lower bound is at +infinity, then we say the delta (b-a) is infinity */
1007 * Conveniently, we just use the current lower bound for a (it may have been tightened, though).
1011 * Conveniently, we just use the current upper bound for c (it may have been tightened, though).
1015 assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, updates[i]->newbound)); /* branching on a variable fixed to +infinity does not make sense */
1016 assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var))); /* branching to infinity does not make sense */
1017 if( SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -updates[i]->newbound) || SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var)) )
1025 assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -updates[i]->newbound)); /* branching on a variable fixed to -infinity does not make sense */
1026 assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var))); /* branching to -infinity does not make sense */
1027 if( SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, updates[i]->newbound) || SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var)) )
1036 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "updating pseudocosts of <%s> with strategy %c: domain: [%g,%g] -> [%g,%g], LP: %e -> %e => "
1039 (SCIP_BOUNDTYPE)updates[i]->boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER ? SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var) : oldbound,
1040 (SCIP_BOUNDTYPE)updates[i]->boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER ? oldbound : SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var),
1041 (SCIP_BOUNDTYPE)updates[i]->boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER ? SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var) : updates[i]->newbound,
1042 (SCIP_BOUNDTYPE)updates[i]->boundtype == SCIP_BOUNDTYPE_UPPER ? updates[i]->newbound : SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var),
1060/** updates the estimated value of a primal feasible solution for the focus node after the LP was solved */
1078 if( !SCIPtreeHasFocusNodeLP(tree) || SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL || !SCIPlpIsRelax(lp) )
1085 SCIP_CALL( SCIPbranchcandGetLPCands(branchcand, set, stat, lp, &lpcands, NULL, &lpcandsfrac, &nlpcands, NULL, NULL) );
1128 SCIP_Bool firstsubtreeinit, /**< is this the first call in the current subtree after jumping through the tree? */
1147 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconshdlrInitLP(set->conshdlrs[h], blkmem, set, stat, tree, firstsubtreeinit, cutoff) );
1153 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreoptApplyCuts(reopt, tree->focusnode, sepastore, cutpool, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue,
1160 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsepastoreApplyCuts(sepastore, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
1241 SCIP_CALL( SCIPpricestoreApplyVars(pricestore, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, transprob, tree, lp) );
1253 SCIP_CALL( SCIPinitConssLP(blkmem, set, sepastore, cutpool, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
1271 if( SCIPvarIsInitial(var) && (SCIPvarGetStatus(var) != SCIP_VARSTATUS_COLUMN || !SCIPcolIsInLP(SCIPvarGetCol(var))) )
1284 SCIP_CALL( SCIPpricestoreApplyVars(pricestore, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, transprob, tree, lp) );
1293/** constructs the LP of the current node, but does not load the LP state and warmstart information */
1335 lp->rows[i]->fromcutpool = TRUE; /* this has no effect inside initial LP, but is set for consistency */
1336 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsepastoreAddCut(sepastore, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp, lp->rows[i],
1351 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsepastoreApplyCuts(sepastore, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
1352 eventqueue, eventfilter, cliquetable, (SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree) == 0), SCIP_EFFICIACYCHOICE_LP, cutoff) );
1366 SCIP_CALL( initLP(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, pricestore, sepastore, cutpool, branchcand,
1492 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconstructCurrentLP(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, pricestore, sepastore, cutpool,
1512 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSolveAndEval(lp, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob,
1513 SCIPnodeGetDepth(SCIPtreeGetFocusNode(tree)) == 0 ? set->lp_rootiterlim : set->lp_iterlim, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, lperror) );
1539 /* update pseudo cost values for integer variables (always) and for continuous variables (if not delayed) */
1587 SCIP_Bool* mustsepa, /**< pointer to store TRUE if additional separation rounds should be performed */
1588 SCIP_Bool* mustprice /**< pointer to store TRUE if additional pricing rounds should be performed */
1601 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSolveAndEval(lp, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, prob, set->lp_iterlim, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, lperror) );
1629 SCIP_Real bounddist, /**< current relative distance of local dual bound to global dual bound */
1636 SCIP_Bool* mustsepa, /**< pointer to store TRUE if additional separation rounds should be performed */
1637 SCIP_Bool* mustprice /**< pointer to store TRUE if additional pricing rounds should be performed */
1655 if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(set, root) * SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root)) )
1665 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "calling separators on LP solution in depth %d (onlydelayed: %u)\n", actdepth, onlydelayed);
1671 for( i = 0; i < set->nsepas && !(*cutoff) && !(*lperror) && !(*enoughcuts) && lp->flushed && lp->solved
1687 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsepaExecLP(set->sepas[i], set, stat, sepastore, actdepth, bounddist, allowlocal, onlydelayed, &result) );
1691 SCIPerrorMessage("Buffer not completely freed after executing separator <%s>\n", SCIPsepaGetName(set->sepas[i]));
1697 if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(set, root) * SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root)) )
1703 *enoughcuts = *enoughcuts || (SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) >= (SCIP_Longint)SCIPsetCeil(set,
1711 /* make sure the LP is solved (after adding bound changes, LP has to be flushed and resolved) */
1712 SCIP_CALL( separationRoundResolveLP(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, prob, primal, tree, lp, lperror, mustsepa, mustprice) );
1720 if( onlydelayed && (result == SCIP_CONSADDED || result == SCIP_REDUCEDDOM || result == SCIP_SEPARATED || result == SCIP_NEWROUND) )
1722 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> delayed separator <%s> found a cut\n", SCIPsepaGetName(set->sepas[i]));
1729 for( i = 0; i < set->nconshdlrs && !(*cutoff) && !(*lperror) && !(*enoughcuts) && lp->flushed && lp->solved
1737 SCIPconshdlrGetName(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i]), SCIPconshdlrGetSepaPriority(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i]));
1738 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconshdlrSeparateLP(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i], blkmem, set, stat, sepastore, actdepth, onlydelayed,
1743 if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(set, root) * SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root)) )
1749 *enoughcuts = *enoughcuts || (SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) >= (SCIP_Longint)SCIPsetCeil(set,
1757 /* make sure the LP is solved (after adding bound changes, LP has to be flushed and resolved) */
1758 SCIP_CALL( separationRoundResolveLP(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, prob, primal, tree, lp, lperror, mustsepa, mustprice) );
1762 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> constraint handler <%s> detected cutoff in separation\n", SCIPconshdlrGetName(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i]));
1766 if( onlydelayed && (result == SCIP_CONSADDED || result == SCIP_REDUCEDDOM || result == SCIP_SEPARATED || result == SCIP_NEWROUND) )
1776 for( i = 0; i < set->nsepas && !(*cutoff) && !(*lperror) && !(*enoughcuts) && lp->flushed && lp->solved
1788 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsepaExecLP(set->sepas[i], set, stat, sepastore, actdepth, bounddist, allowlocal, onlydelayed, &result) );
1792 if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(set, root) * SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root)) )
1798 *enoughcuts = *enoughcuts || (SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) >= (SCIP_Longint)SCIPsetCeil(set,
1806 /* make sure the LP is solved (after adding bound changes, LP has to be flushed and resolved) */
1807 SCIP_CALL( separationRoundResolveLP(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, prob, primal, tree, lp, lperror, mustsepa, mustprice) );
1815 if( onlydelayed && (result == SCIP_CONSADDED || result == SCIP_REDUCEDDOM || result == SCIP_SEPARATED || result == SCIP_NEWROUND) )
1817 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> delayed separator <%s> found a cut\n", SCIPsepaGetName(set->sepas[i]));
1829 for( i = 0; i < set->nconshdlrs && !(*cutoff) && !(*lperror) && !(*enoughcuts) && lp->flushed && lp->solved
1834 SCIPconshdlrGetName(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i]), SCIPconshdlrGetSepaPriority(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i]));
1835 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconshdlrSeparateLP(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i], blkmem, set, stat, sepastore, actdepth, onlydelayed,
1840 if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(set, root) * SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root)) )
1846 *enoughcuts = *enoughcuts || (SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) >= (SCIP_Longint)SCIPsetCeil(set,
1854 /* make sure the LP is solved (after adding bound changes, LP has to be flushed and resolved) */
1855 SCIP_CALL( separationRoundResolveLP(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, prob, primal, tree, lp, lperror, mustsepa, mustprice) );
1859 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> constraint handler <%s> detected cutoff in separation\n", SCIPconshdlrGetName(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i]));
1864 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> separation round finished: delayed=%u, enoughcuts=%u, lpflushed=%u, cutoff=%u\n",
1902 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "calling separators on primal solution in depth %d (onlydelayed: %u)\n", actdepth, onlydelayed);
1908 for( i = 0; i < set->nsepas && !(*cutoff) && !(*enoughcuts) && !SCIPsolveIsStopped(set, stat, FALSE); ++i )
1916 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsepaExecSol(set->sepas[i], set, stat, sepastore, sol, actdepth, allowlocal, onlydelayed, &result) );
1919 if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(set, root) * SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root)) )
1925 *enoughcuts = *enoughcuts || (SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) >= (SCIP_Longint)SCIPsetCeil(set,
1936 if( onlydelayed && (result == SCIP_CONSADDED || result == SCIP_REDUCEDDOM || result == SCIP_SEPARATED || result == SCIP_NEWROUND) )
1944 for( i = 0; i < set->nconshdlrs && !(*cutoff) && !(*enoughcuts) && !SCIPsolveIsStopped(set, stat, FALSE); ++i )
1949 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconshdlrSeparateSol(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i], blkmem, set, stat, sepastore, sol, actdepth, onlydelayed,
1953 if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(set, root) * SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root)) )
1959 *enoughcuts = *enoughcuts || (SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) >= (SCIP_Longint)SCIPsetCeil(set,
1971 if( onlydelayed && (result == SCIP_CONSADDED || result == SCIP_REDUCEDDOM || result == SCIP_SEPARATED || result == SCIP_NEWROUND) )
1979 for( i = 0; i < set->nsepas && !(*cutoff) && !(*enoughcuts) && !SCIPsolveIsStopped(set, stat, FALSE); ++i )
1987 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsepaExecSol(set->sepas[i], set, stat, sepastore, sol, actdepth, allowlocal, onlydelayed, &result) );
1990 if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(set, root) * SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root)) )
1996 *enoughcuts = *enoughcuts || (SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) >= (SCIP_Longint)SCIPsetCeil(set,
2007 if( onlydelayed && (result == SCIP_CONSADDED || result == SCIP_REDUCEDDOM || result == SCIP_SEPARATED || result == SCIP_NEWROUND) )
2020 for( i = 0; i < set->nconshdlrs && !(*cutoff) && !(*enoughcuts) && !SCIPsolveIsStopped(set, stat, FALSE); ++i )
2022 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconshdlrSeparateSol(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i], blkmem, set, stat, sepastore, sol, actdepth, onlydelayed, &result) );
2025 if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(set, root) * SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root)) )
2031 *enoughcuts = *enoughcuts || (SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) >= (SCIP_Longint)SCIPsetCeil(set,
2090 SCIP_CALL( separationRoundLP(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, prob, primal, tree, lp, sepastore, \
2097 SCIP_CALL( separationRoundSol(blkmem, set, stat, sepastore, sol, actdepth, allowlocal, onlydelayed, delayed, &enoughcuts, cutoff) );
2126 int* npricedcolvars, /**< pointer to store number of column variables after problem vars were priced */
2129 SCIP_Bool* aborted /**< pointer to store whether the pricing was aborted and the lower bound must
2187 SCIPmessagePrintWarning(messagehdlr, "pricing has been interrupted -- LP of current node is invalid\n");
2194 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprimalHeuristics(set, stat, transprob, primal, tree, lp, NULL, SCIP_HEURTIMING_DURINGPRICINGLOOP,
2201 SCIP_CALL( SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars(pricestore, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, tree, lp, branchcand, eventqueue) );
2216 SCIP_CALL( SCIPpricerExec(set->pricers[p], set, transprob, lp, pricestore, &lb, &stopearly, &result) );
2234 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> new lower bound given by pricer %s: %g\n", SCIPpricerGetName(set->pricers[p]), lb);
2238 SCIP_CALL( SCIPpricestoreApplyVars(pricestore, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, transprob, tree, lp) );
2244 /* after adding columns, the LP should be primal feasible such that the primal simplex is applicable;
2248 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSolveAndEval(lp, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob, -1LL, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, lperror) );
2254 SCIP_CALL( SCIPpricestoreResetBounds(pricestore, blkmem, set, stat, lp, branchcand, eventqueue) );
2260 SCIP_CALL( SCIPinitConssLP(blkmem, set, sepastore, cutpool, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
2267 /* if all pricers wanted to stop pricing, do not do another pricing round (LP value is no valid dual bound in this case) */
2275 /* solve LP again after resetting bounds and adding new initial constraints (with dual simplex) */
2276 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "pricing: solve LP after resetting bounds and adding new initial constraints\n");
2277 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSolveAndEval(lp, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob, -1LL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, lperror) );
2305 mustprice = mustprice && SCIPsetIsLT(set, SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(currentnode), primal->cutoffbound);
2333 SCIP_Bool* enoughcuts, /**< pointer to store if enough cuts were found in current separation round */
2342 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcutpoolSeparate(cutpool, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp, sepastore, NULL, cutpoolisdelayed, root, &result) );
2344 if( SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(set, root) * SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root)) )
2350 *enoughcuts = *enoughcuts || (SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) >= (SCIP_Longint)SCIPsetCeil(set,
2388 SCIP_Bool* pricingaborted /**< pointer to store whether the pricing was aborted and the lower bound must
2462 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSolveAndEval(lp, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob,
2491 SCIP_CALL( SCIPpriceLoop(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp,
2492 pricestore, sepastore, cutpool, branchcand, eventqueue, eventfilter, cliquetable, root, root, -1, &npricedcolvars,
2515 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> error solving LP or pricing aborted. keeping old bound: %g\n", SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(focusnode));
2526 /* call propagators that are applicable during LP solving loop only if the node is not cut off */
2536 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> LP solved: call propagators that are applicable during LP solving loop\n");
2545 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "new initial constraints added during propagation: old=%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ", new=%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "\n", oldninitconssadded, stat->ninitconssadded);
2547 SCIP_CALL( SCIPinitConssLP(blkmem, set, sepastore, cutpool, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp,
2566 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSolveAndEval(lp, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob,
2577 /* propagation might have changed the best bound of loose variables, thereby changing the loose objective
2578 * value which is added to the LP value; because of the loose status, the LP might not be reoptimized,
2610 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprimalHeuristics(set, stat, transprob, primal, tree, lp, NULL, SCIP_HEURTIMING_DURINGLPLOOP,
2620 /* if we are infeasible, unbounded, exceeded a separation round, the objective, or a global performance limit,
2622 * (the global limits are only checked at the root node in order to not query system time too often)
2632 /* separation (needs not to be done completely, because we just want to increase the lower bound) */
2641 assert(SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL || SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY);
2650 enoughcuts = SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(set, root) * SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root));
2655 SCIP_CALL( cutpoolSeparate(cutpool, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp, sepastore, FALSE, root,
2665 assert(SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL || SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY);
2675 SCIP_CALL( separationRoundLP(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob, primal, tree,
2683 && ( SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL || SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY ) )
2685 SCIP_CALL( separationRoundLP(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob, primal,
2692 /* call global cut pool separation again since separators may add cuts to the pool instead of the sepastore */
2693 if( !(*cutoff) && !(*lperror) && lp->solved && SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL && !enoughcuts )
2695 SCIP_CALL( cutpoolSeparate(cutpool, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp, sepastore, FALSE, root,
2705 if( !(*cutoff) && !(*lperror) && lp->solved && SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL && SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) == 0 && !enoughcuts )
2707 SCIP_CALL( cutpoolSeparate(delayedcutpool, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp, sepastore, TRUE,
2720 if( !(*cutoff) && !(*lperror) && SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL && SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) == 0 && delayedsepa )
2722 SCIP_CALL( separationRoundLP(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob, primal,
2727 /* call delayed cut pool separation again, since separators may add cuts to the pool instead of the sepastore */
2732 SCIP_CALL( cutpoolSeparate(delayedcutpool, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp, sepastore, TRUE,
2758 /* the found cuts are of no use, because the node is infeasible anyway (or we have an error in the LP) */
2764 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsepastoreApplyCuts(sepastore, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp,
2772 /* if a new bound change (e.g. a cut with only one column) was found, propagate domains again */
2789 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "new initial constraints added during propagation: old=%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ", new=%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "\n",
2792 SCIP_CALL( SCIPinitConssLP(blkmem, set, sepastore, cutpool, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp,
2802 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSolveAndEval(lp, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob,
2814 /* propagation might have changed the best bound of loose variables, thereby changing the loose objective value
2815 * which is added to the LP value; because of the loose status, the LP might not be reoptimized, but the lower
2837 * If we do not have an LP solution, then we are stalling if the solution status of the LP did not change.
2844 SCIP_CALL( SCIPbranchcandGetLPCands(branchcand, set, stat, lp, NULL, NULL, NULL, &nfracs, NULL,
2884 assert(*cutoff || *lperror || (lp->flushed && lp->solved)); /* cutoff: LP may be unsolved due to bound changes */
2889 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "separation round %d/%d finished (%d/%d stall rounds): mustprice=%u, mustsepa=%u, delayedsepa=%u, propagateagain=%u\n",
2890 stat->nseparounds, maxseparounds, nsepastallrounds, maxsepastallrounds, mustprice, mustsepa, delayedsepa, *propagateagain);
2928 /* if the LP is a relaxation and we are not solving exactly, then we may analyze an infeasible or bound exceeding
2931 if( !set->misc_exactsolve && !root && SCIPlpIsRelax(lp) && SCIPprobAllColsInLP(transprob, set, lp)
2932 && (SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_INFEASIBLE || SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OBJLIMIT) )
2934 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconflictAnalyzeLP(conflict, conflictstore, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt,
2949 SCIP_CALL( SCIPnodeCutoff(focusnode, set, stat, tree, transprob, origprob, reopt, lp, blkmem) );
2954 (*cutoff || *unbounded) ? SCIPsetInfinity(set) : *lperror ? -SCIPsetInfinity(set) : SCIPlpGetObjval(lp, set, transprob));
2959/** updates the current lower bound with the pseudo objective value, cuts off node by bounding, and applies conflict
2997 SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(focusnode), SCIPprobExternObjval(transprob, origprob, set, SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(focusnode)) + SCIPgetOrigObjoffset(set->scip),
2998 pseudoobjval, SCIPprobExternObjval(transprob, origprob, set, pseudoobjval) + SCIPgetOrigObjoffset(set->scip),
2999 primal->cutoffbound, SCIPprobExternObjval(transprob, origprob, set, primal->cutoffbound) + SCIPgetOrigObjoffset(set->scip));
3003 || (!set->misc_exactsolve && SCIPsetIsGE(set, SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(focusnode), primal->cutoffbound)) )
3006 if( !SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -pseudoobjval) && !SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, primal->cutoffbound) && SCIPsetIsGE(set, pseudoobjval, primal->cutoffbound) )
3008 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconflictAnalyzePseudo(conflict, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, cliquetable, NULL) );
3065 SCIP_Bool* solverelaxagain, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if the external relaxators should be called again */
3068 SCIP_Bool* lperror, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if an unresolved error in LP solving occured */
3069 SCIP_Bool* pricingaborted /**< pointer to store TRUE, if the pricing was aborted and the lower bound
3094 SCIP_CALL( solveNodeInitialLP(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp,
3095 pricestore, sepastore, cutpool, branchcand, eventfilter, eventqueue, cliquetable, newinitconss, cutoff, lperror) );
3100 *cutoff ? SCIPsetInfinity(set) : *lperror ? -SCIPsetInfinity(set) : SCIPlpGetObjval(lp, set, transprob));
3106 /* In the root node, we try if the initial LP solution is feasible to avoid expensive setup of data structures in
3107 * separators; in case the root LP is aborted, e.g., by hitting the time limit, we do not check the LP solution
3127 /* in the debug mode we want to explicitly check if the solution is feasible if it was stored */
3128 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprimalTrySol(primal, blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, origprob, transprob, tree, reopt, lp,
3135 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsolCheck(sol, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, transprob, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
3142 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprimalTrySolFree(primal, blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, origprob, transprob, tree, reopt, lp,
3158 SCIP_CALL( SCIPreoptCheckCutoff(reopt, set, blkmem, tree->focusnode, SCIP_EVENTTYPE_NODEFEASIBLE, lp,
3177 SCIP_CALL( applyBounding(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, conflict, cliquetable, cutoff) );
3207 SCIP_CALL( priceAndCutLoop(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, mem, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp,
3208 pricestore, sepastore, cutpool, delayedcutpool, branchcand, conflict, conflictstore, eventfilter,
3209 eventqueue, cliquetable, fullseparation, propagateagain, cutoff, unbounded, lperror, pricingaborted) );
3212 if( (transprob->ncolvars != oldnpricedvars) || (stat->ninitconssadded != oldninitconssadded) ||
3213 (SCIPsepastoreGetNCutsApplied(sepastore) != oldncutsapplied) || (stat->nboundchgs != oldnboundchgs) ||
3222 /* if there is no LP error, then *unbounded should be TRUE, iff the LP solution status is unboundedray */
3225 /* If pricing was aborted while solving the LP of the node and the node cannot be cut off due to the lower bound computed by the pricer,
3226 * the solving of the LP might be stopped due to the objective limit, but the node may not be cut off, since the LP objective
3228 * In this case, the LP has to be solved to optimality by temporarily removing the cutoff bound.
3230 if( (*pricingaborted) && (SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OBJLIMIT || SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_ITERLIMIT)
3240 SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpSolveAndEval(lp, set, messagehdlr, blkmem, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, transprob, -1LL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, lperror) );
3260 assert(!(*pricingaborted) || SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL /* cppcheck-suppress assertWithSideEffect */
3261 || SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_NOTSOLVED || SCIPsolveIsStopped(set, stat, FALSE) || (*cutoff));
3267 stat->nnodezeroitlps += stat->ndualzeroitlps + stat->nprimalzeroitlps + stat->nbarrierzeroitlps - nzeroitlps;
3290 SCIP_Bool beforelp, /**< should the relaxators with non-negative or negative priority be called? */
3292 SCIP_Bool* propagateagain, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if domain propagation should be applied again */
3293 SCIP_Bool* solvelpagain, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if the node's LP has to be solved again */
3294 SCIP_Bool* solverelaxagain, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if the external relaxators should be called
3296 SCIP_Bool* relaxcalled /**< pointer to store TRUE, if at least one relaxator was called (unmodified
3331 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> relaxator <%s> detected cutoff\n", SCIPrelaxGetName(set->relaxs[r]));
3358 SCIPerrorMessage("invalid result code <%d> of relaxator <%s>\n", result, SCIPrelaxGetName(set->relaxs[r]));
3397 SCIP_Bool* propagateagain, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if domain propagation should be applied again */
3398 SCIP_Bool* solvelpagain, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if the node's LP has to be solved again */
3399 SCIP_Bool* solverelaxagain, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if the external relaxators should be called again */
3430 enforcerelaxsol = SCIPrelaxationIsSolValid(relaxation) && SCIPrelaxationIsLpIncludedForSol(relaxation) && (!SCIPtreeHasFocusNodeLP(tree)
3433 /* check if all constraint handlers implement the enforelax callback, otherwise enforce the LP solution */
3449 /* remember that the disable relaxation enforcement message was posted and only post it again if the
3454 SCIPmessagePrintVerbInfo(messagehdlr, set->disp_verblevel, verblevel, "Disable enforcement of relaxation solutions"
3460 /* enforce constraints by branching, applying additional cutting planes (if LP is being processed),
3470 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "enforcing constraints on %s solution\n", SCIPtreeHasFocusNodeLP(tree) ? "LP" : "pseudo");
3480 objinfeasible = SCIPsetIsDualfeasLT(set, pseudoobjval, SCIPnodeGetLowerbound(SCIPtreeGetFocusNode(tree)));
3483 /* during constraint enforcement, generated cuts should enter the LP in any case; otherwise, a constraint handler
3488 /* enforce constraints until a handler resolved an infeasibility with cutting off the node, branching,
3490 * if a constraint handler introduced new constraints to enforce his constraints, the newly added constraints
3495 /* in case the relaxation solution should be enforced, we need to create the corresponding solution for the enforelax callbacks */
3498 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsolCreateRelaxSol(&relaxsol, blkmem, set, stat, primal, tree, relaxation, NULL) );
3503 assert(SCIPsepastoreGetNCuts(sepastore) == 0); /* otherwise, the LP should have been resolved first */
3508 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "enforce relaxation solution with value %g\n", SCIPrelaxationGetSolObj(relaxation));
3510 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconshdlrEnforceRelaxSol(set->conshdlrs_enfo[h], blkmem, set, stat, tree, sepastore,
3519 assert(SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL || SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_UNBOUNDEDRAY);
3520 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconshdlrEnforceLPSol(set->conshdlrs_enfo[h], blkmem, set, stat, tree, sepastore, *infeasible,
3525 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconshdlrEnforcePseudoSol(set->conshdlrs_enfo[h], blkmem, set, stat, tree, branchcand, *infeasible,
3534 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "enforcing of <%s> returned result %d\n", SCIPconshdlrGetName(set->conshdlrs_enfo[h]), result);
3591 /* either LP was not solved, or it is not solved anymore (e.g., because feastol has been tightened by some constraint handler) */
3623 SCIPerrorMessage("invalid result code <%d> from enforcing method of constraint handler <%s>\n",
3638 /* If we used the probing mode during branching, it might happen that we added a constraint or global bound
3639 * and returned SCIP_CONSADDED or SCIP_REDUCEDDOM, but when reoptimizing the LP after ending the probing mode,
3640 * this leads to hitting the objective limit. In this case, we do not need to propagate or solve the LP again.
3646 assert(!(*branched) || (resolved && !(*cutoff) && *infeasible && !(*propagateagain) && !(*solvelpagain)));
3647 assert(!(*cutoff) || (resolved && !(*branched) && *infeasible && !(*propagateagain) && !(*solvelpagain)));
3648 assert(*infeasible || (!resolved && !(*branched) && !(*cutoff) && !(*propagateagain) && !(*solvelpagain)));
3665 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> enforcing result: branched=%u, cutoff=%u, infeasible=%u, propagateagain=%u, solvelpagain=%u, resolved=%u\n",
3671/** applies the cuts stored in the separation store, or clears the store if the node can be cut off */
3689 SCIP_EFFICIACYCHOICE efficiacychoice, /**< type of solution to base efficiacy computation on */
3691 SCIP_Bool* propagateagain, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if domain propagation should be applied again */
3692 SCIP_Bool* solvelpagain, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if the node's LP has to be solved again */
3693 SCIP_Bool* solverelaxagain /**< pointer to store TRUE, if the node's relaxation has to be solved again */
3703 /* the found cuts are of no use, because the node is infeasible anyway (or we have an error in the LP) */
3713 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsepastoreApplyCuts(sepastore, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand,
3717 if( (stat->domchgcount != olddomchgcount) || (SCIPsepastoreGetNCutsApplied(sepastore) != oldncutsapplied) )
3727/** updates the cutoff, propagateagain, and solverelaxagain status of the current solving loop */
3735 SCIP_Bool* propagateagain, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if domain propagation should be applied again */
3736 SCIP_Bool* solverelaxagain /**< pointer to store TRUE, if at least one relaxator should be called again */
3803 SCIP_Longint* afterlpproplps, /**< pointer to store the last LP count for which AFTERLP propagation was performed */
3806 SCIP_Bool* fullpropagation, /**< pointer to store whether we want to do a fullpropagation next time */
3809 SCIP_Bool* relaxcalled, /**< pointer to store whether a relaxator was called; initialized with last loop's result */
3811 SCIP_Bool* solverelaxagain, /**< pointer to store whether we want to solve the relaxation again */
3816 SCIP_Bool* lperror, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if an unresolved error in LP solving occured */
3817 SCIP_Bool* pricingaborted, /**< pointer to store TRUE, if the pricing was aborted and the lower bound must not be used */
3818 SCIP_Bool* forcedenforcement /**< pointer to store whether the enforcement of pseudo solution should be forced */
3871 SCIP_CALL( propagateDomains(blkmem, set, stat, tree, SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree), 0, *fullpropagation,
3884 SCIP_CALL( propagateDomains(blkmem, set, stat, tree, SCIPtreeGetCurrentDepth(tree), 0, *fullpropagation,
3895 /* if the LP was flushed and is now no longer flushed, a bound change occurred, and the LP has to be resolved;
3896 * we also have to solve the LP if new intial constraints were added which need to be added to the LP
3901 /* the number of bound changes was increased by the propagation call, thus the relaxation should be solved again */
3904 /* propagation might have changed the best bound of loose variables, thereby changing the loose objective value
3905 * which is added to the LP value; because of the loose status, the LP might not be reoptimized, but the lower
3908 if( !solvelp && lp->flushed && lp->solved && SCIPprobAllColsInLP(transprob, set, lp) && SCIPlpIsRelax(lp) )
3929 SCIP_CALL( applyBounding(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
3955 /* we reached a solution limit and do not want to continue the processing of the current node, but in order to
3956 * allow restarting the optimization process later, we need to create a "branching" with only one child node that
3997 SCIP_CALL( applyCuts(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, relaxation, sepastore, branchcand,
3998 eventqueue, eventfilter, cliquetable, (actdepth == 0), SCIP_EFFICIACYCHOICE_RELAX, cutoff, propagateagain,
4002 SCIP_CALL( applyBounding(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, conflict, cliquetable, cutoff) );
4013 SCIP_CALL( solveNodeLP(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, mem, origprob, transprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, relaxation, pricestore,
4014 sepastore, cutpool, delayedcutpool, branchcand, conflict, conflictstore, eventfilter, eventqueue, cliquetable,
4015 initiallpsolved, fullseparation, newinitconss, propagateagain, solverelaxagain, cutoff, unbounded, lperror, pricingaborted) );
4019 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> LP status: %d, LP obj: %g, iter: %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ", count: %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "\n",
4021 *cutoff ? SCIPsetInfinity(set) : (*lperror ? -SCIPsetInfinity(set) : SCIPlpGetObjval(lp, set, transprob)),
4032 SCIPerrorMessage("(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") unresolved numerical troubles in LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " cannot be dealt with\n",
4038 SCIPmessagePrintVerbInfo(messagehdlr, set->disp_verblevel, actdepth == 0 ? SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH : SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL,
4039 "(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") unresolved numerical troubles in LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " -- using pseudo solution instead (loop %d)\n",
4048 SCIPmessagePrintVerbInfo(messagehdlr, set->disp_verblevel, actdepth == 0 ? SCIP_VERBLEVEL_HIGH : SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL,
4049 "(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") LP solver hit %s limit in LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " -- using pseudo solution instead\n",
4050 stat->nnodes, SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_TIMELIMIT ? "time" : "iteration", stat->nlps);
4056 "(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") LP relaxation is unbounded (LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ")\n", stat->nnodes, stat->nlps);
4059 /* if we solve exactly, the LP claims to be infeasible but the infeasibility could not be proved,
4062 if( !(*cutoff) && !(*lperror) && (set->misc_exactsolve || *pricingaborted) && SCIPlpGetSolstat(lp) == SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_INFEASIBLE
4067 SCIPerrorMessage("(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") could not prove infeasibility of LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " (exactsolve=%u, pricingaborted=%u), all variables are fixed, %d continuous vars\n",
4069 SCIPerrorMessage("(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") -> have to call PerPlex() (feature not yet implemented)\n", stat->nnodes);
4079 "(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") could not prove infeasibility of LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " (exactsolve=%u, pricingaborted=%u) -- using pseudo solution (%d unfixed vars) instead\n",
4080 stat->nnodes, stat->nlps, set->misc_exactsolve, *pricingaborted, SCIPbranchcandGetNPseudoCands(branchcand));
4085 SCIP_CALL( applyBounding(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, conflict,
4091 /* reset solverelaxagain if no relaxations were solved up to this point (the LP-changes are already included in
4099 SCIP_CALL( solveNodeRelax(set, stat, tree, relaxation, transprob, origprob, actdepth, FALSE, cutoff,
4107 SCIP_CALL( applyCuts(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, relaxation, sepastore, branchcand,
4108 eventqueue, eventfilter, cliquetable, (actdepth == 0), SCIP_EFFICIACYCHOICE_RELAX, cutoff, propagateagain,
4112 SCIP_CALL( applyBounding(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, conflict,
4135#define restartAllowed(set,stat) ((set)->nactivepricers == 0 && !set->reopt_enable && ((set)->presol_maxrestarts == -1 || (stat)->nruns <= (set)->presol_maxrestarts))
4166 SCIP_Bool* infeasible, /**< pointer to store whether the focus node's solution is infeasible */
4168 SCIP_Bool* afternodeheur, /**< pointer to store whether AFTERNODE heuristics were already called */
4232 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "current pseudosolution: obj=%g\n", SCIPlpGetPseudoObjval(lp, set, transprob));
4242 focusnodehaslp = focusnodehaslp && (set->lp_solvefreq >= 1 && actdepth % set->lp_solvefreq == 0);
4244 focusnodehaslp = focusnodehaslp && SCIPsetIsLT(set, SCIPlpGetPseudoObjval(lp, set, transprob), primal->cutoffbound);
4245 focusnodehaslp = set->reopt_enable ? focusnodehaslp && SCIPreoptGetSolveLP(reopt, set, focusnode) : focusnodehaslp;
4252 * if a constraint handler adds constraints to enforce its own constraints, both, propagation and LP solving
4253 * is applied again (if applicable on current node); however, if the new constraints don't have the enforce flag set,
4254 * it is possible, that the current infeasible solution is not cut off; in this case, we have to declare the solution
4272 while( !(*cutoff) && !(*postpone) && (solverelaxagain || solvelpagain || propagateagain) && nlperrors < MAXNLPERRORS && !(*restart) )
4305 SCIP_CALL( applyBounding(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
4309 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> node solving loop: call propagators that are applicable before%s LP is solved\n",
4311 SCIP_CALL( propAndSolve(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, mem, origprob, transprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp,
4312 relaxation, pricestore, sepastore, branchcand, cutpool, delayedcutpool, conflict, conflictstore, eventfilter,
4313 eventqueue, cliquetable, focusnode, actdepth, propagate, solvelp, solverelax, forcedlpsolve, initiallpsolved,
4314 fullseparation, &afterlpproplps, &heurtiming, &nlperrors, &fullpropagation, &propagateagain, &lpsolved, &relaxcalled,
4315 &solvelpagain, &solverelaxagain, cutoff, postpone, unbounded, stopped, &lperror, &pricingaborted, &forcedenforcement) );
4318 /* time or solution limit was hit and we already created a dummy child node to terminate fast */
4331 /* call primal heuristics that should be applied after the LP relaxation of the node was solved;
4332 * if this is the first loop of the root node, call also AFTERNODE heuristics already here, since they might help
4333 * to improve the primal bound, thereby producing additional reduced cost strengthenings and strong branching
4342 *afternodeheur = TRUE; /* the AFTERNODE heuristics should not be called again after the node */
4346 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprimalHeuristics(set, stat, transprob, primal, tree, lp, NULL, SCIP_HEURTIMING_AFTERLPLOOP,
4351 /* heuristics might have found a solution or set the cutoff bound such that the current node is cut off */
4352 SCIP_CALL( applyBounding(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, conflict, cliquetable, cutoff) );
4360 SCIPerrorMessage("(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") unresolved numerical troubles in LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " cannot be dealt with\n",
4368 "(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") unresolved numerical troubles in LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " -- using pseudo solution instead (loop %d)\n",
4377 * however, if this is not the case, we print messages about numerical troubles in the current LP
4383 SCIPerrorMessage("(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") unresolved numerical troubles in LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " cannot be dealt with\n",
4389 "(node %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ") unresolved numerical troubles in LP %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT " -- using pseudo solution instead (loop %d)\n",
4405 || (stat->nrootintfixingsrun > set->presol_immrestartfac * (transprob->nvars - transprob->ncontvars)
4406 && (stat->nruns == 1 || transprob->nvars <= (1.0-set->presol_restartminred) * stat->prevrunnvars))) );
4410 if( !(*postpone) && !(*restart) && !(*cutoff) && !solverelaxagain && !solvelpagain && !propagateagain )
4412 /* if the solution changed since the last enforcement, we have to completely reenforce it; otherwise, we
4413 * only have to enforce the additional constraints added in the last enforcement, but keep the infeasible
4414 * flag TRUE in order to not declare the infeasible solution feasible due to disregarding the already
4425 SCIP_CALL( enforceConstraints(blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, transprob, primal, tree, lp, relaxation, sepastore,
4438 SCIP_CALL( applyCuts(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, relaxation, sepastore, branchcand,
4439 eventqueue, eventfilter, cliquetable, (actdepth == 0), SCIP_EFFICIACYCHOICE_LP, cutoff, &propagateagain,
4443 SCIP_CALL( applyBounding(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, primal, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue, conflict, cliquetable, cutoff) );
4461 /* in case the relaxation was enforced add this solution, otherwise decide between LP and pseudosol */
4462 if( SCIPrelaxationIsSolValid(relaxation) && SCIPrelaxationIsLpIncludedForSol(relaxation) && (!SCIPtreeHasFocusNodeLP(tree)
4463 || SCIPsetIsGT(set, SCIPrelaxationGetSolObj(relaxation), SCIPlpGetObjval(lp, set, transprob))) )
4467 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsolCreateRelaxSol(&relaxsol, blkmem, set, stat, primal, tree, relaxation, NULL) );
4469 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprimalTrySol(primal, blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, origprob, transprob, tree, reopt, lp,
4488 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsolCreateCurrentSol(&sol, blkmem, set, stat, transprob, primal, tree, lp, NULL) );
4489 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprimalTrySolFree(primal, blkmem, set, messagehdlr, stat, origprob, transprob, tree, reopt, lp,
4514 * In LP branching, we cannot allow adding constraints, because this does not necessary change the LP and can
4520 && (!(*unbounded) || SCIPbranchcandGetNExternCands(branchcand) > 0 || SCIPbranchcandGetNPseudoCands(branchcand) > 0)
4528 SCIP_CALL( SCIPbranchcandGetLPCands(branchcand, set, stat, lp, NULL, NULL, NULL, &nlpcands, NULL, NULL) );
4533 /* If there are LP candidates and their maximal priority is at least the maximal priority of the external
4535 * SCIPbranchcandGetLPMaxPrio(branchcand) might be finite and SCIPbranchcandGetNPrioLPCands(branchcand) > 0,
4537 if ( SCIPbranchcandGetLPMaxPrio(branchcand) >= SCIPbranchcandGetExternMaxPrio(branchcand) && nlpcands > 0 )
4543 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "infeasibility in depth %d was not resolved: branch on LP solution with %d fractionals\n",
4545 SCIP_CALL( SCIPbranchExecLP(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, sepastore, branchcand,
4556 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "infeasibility in depth %d was not resolved: branch on %d external branching candidates.\n",
4558 SCIP_CALL( SCIPbranchExecExtern(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, sepastore, branchcand,
4567 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "infeasibility in depth %d was not resolved: branch on pseudo solution with %d unfixed integers\n",
4569 SCIP_CALL( SCIPbranchExecPseudo(blkmem, set, stat, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp, branchcand, eventqueue,
4580 && (SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -SCIPvarGetLbLocal(var)) || SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, SCIPvarGetUbLocal(var))) )