

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2 /* */
3 /* This file is part of the program and library */
4 /* SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs */
5 /* */
6 /* Copyright (c) 2002-2023 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) */
7 /* */
8 /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
9 /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
10 /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
11 /* */
12 /* */
13 /* */
14 /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
15 /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
16 /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
17 /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
18 /* limitations under the License. */
19 /* */
20 /* You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 license */
21 /* along with SCIP; see the file LICENSE. If not visit */
22 /* */
23 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
25 /**@file struct_reopt.h
26  * @ingroup INTERNALAPI
27  * @brief data structures for collecting reoptimization information
28  * @author Jakob Witzig
29  */
31 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
33 #ifndef __SCIP_STRUCT_REOPT_H__
34 #define __SCIP_STRUCT_REOPT_H__
36 #include "scip/def.h"
37 #include "scip/type_clock.h"
38 #include "scip/type_cons.h"
39 #include "scip/type_history.h"
40 #include "scip/type_lp.h"
41 #include "scip/type_misc.h"
42 #include "scip/type_reopt.h"
43 #include "scip/type_sol.h"
44 #include "scip/type_var.h"
46 #ifdef __cplusplus
47 extern "C" {
48 #endif
50 /** nodes of SCIP_SolTree */
52 {
53  SCIP_SOL* sol; /**< the stored solution */
54  SCIP_SOLNODE* father; /**< pointer to the parent node */
55  SCIP_SOLNODE* child; /**< pointer to left most child node, i.e., node representing the variable
56  * with smallest solution value
57  */
58  SCIP_SOLNODE* sibling; /**< pointer to next sibling node */
59  SCIP_Real value; /**< solution value represented by this node */
60  SCIP_Bool updated; /**< flag if the solution is already updated
61  * w.r.t. the new objective function */
62 #ifndef NDEBUG
63  SCIP_VAR* var; /**< variable represented by this node */
64 #endif
65 };
67 /** tree for solution */
69 {
70  SCIP_SOLNODE*** sols; /**< array of arrays of solutions of the reoptimization runs */
71  SCIP_SOLNODE* root; /**< root node of the solution tree */
72  int* solssize; /**< size of sols[x] arrays */
73  int* nsols; /**< number of solutions stored in sols[x] array */
74 };
76 /** data for constraints to split nodes during reoptimization */
77 struct SCIP_ReoptConsData
78 {
79  SCIP_VAR** vars; /**< array of variables */
80  SCIP_Real* vals; /**< array of variable coefficients or bounds */
81  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE* boundtypes; /**< array of variable bounds */
82  SCIP_Real lhs; /**< left hand side of the constraint */
83  SCIP_Real rhs; /**< right hand side of the constraint */
84  REOPT_CONSTYPE constype; /**< type of the constraint */
85  SCIP_Bool linear; /**< TRUE, iff the constraint is linear, otherwise the constraint is of
86  * type bounddisjunction
87  */
88  int varssize; /**< available size in the arrays */
89  int nvars; /**< number of entries in the arrays */
90 };
92 /** nodes of SCIP_ReoptTree */
94 {
95  SCIP_REOPTCONSDATA** conss; /**< array of constraints added to the node, i.e., logic-or constraints */
96  SCIP_VAR** vars; /**< variables along the branching path up to the next stored node */
97  SCIP_VAR** afterdualvars; /**< variables along the branching path after the first decision based on dual information */
98  SCIP_REOPTCONSDATA* dualredscur; /**< dual reductions that need to be reconstructed the current round */
99  SCIP_REOPTCONSDATA* dualredsnex; /**< dual reductions that need to be reconstructed the next round */
100  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE* varboundtypes; /**< boundtypes along the branching path up to the next stored node */
101  SCIP_BOUNDTYPE* afterdualvarboundtypes; /**< boundtypes along the branching path after the first dual information */
102  SCIP_Real* varbounds; /**< bounds along the branching path up to the next stored node */
103  SCIP_Real* afterdualvarbounds; /**< bounds along the branching path after the first decision based on dual information */
104  SCIP_Real lowerbound; /**< the last lowerbound of this node in the previous iteration */
105  SCIP_Bool dualreds; /**< flag whether dual reduction were performed */
106  int nvars; /**< number of branching decisions up to the next stored node */
107  int varssize; /**< size of allocated memory */
108  int nafterdualvars; /**< number of branching decisions after the first dual information */
109  int afterdualvarssize; /**< size of allocated memory */
110  int nchilds; /**< number of child nodes */
111  int allocchildmem; /**< allocated memory for child nodes */
112  int nconss; /**< number of added constraints */
113  int consssize; /**< allocated memory for constraints */
114  unsigned int* childids; /**< array of child nodes that need to be reoptimized */
116  unsigned int parentID:29; /**< id of the stored parent node */
117  unsigned int reopttype:3; /**< reason for storing the node */
118 };
120 /* tree to store the current search tree */
122 {
123  SCIP_REOPTNODE** reoptnodes; /**< array of SCIP_REOPTNODE */
124  SCIP_QUEUE* openids; /**< queue of open positions in the reoptnodes array */
125  int nreoptnodes; /**< number of saved nodes */
126  int nfeasnodes; /**< number of feasible nodes in the current run */
127  int ntotalfeasnodes; /**< number of feasible nodes over all runs */
128  int ninfnodes; /**< number of (LP-)infeasible nodes in the current run */
129  int ntotalinfnodes; /**< number of (LP-)infeasible nodes over all runs */
130  int nprunednodes; /**< number of pruned nodes in the current run */
131  int ntotalprunednodes; /**< number of pruned nodes over all runs */
132  int ncutoffreoptnodes; /**< number of cut off reoptimized nodes in the current run */
133  int ntotalcutoffreoptnodes; /**< number of cut off reoptimized nodes over all runs */
134  SCIP_Bool initialized; /**< is the data structure initialized? */
135  unsigned int reoptnodessize; /**< size of allocated memory for the reoptnodes array and the openid queue */
136 };
138 /** reoptimization data and solution storage */
140 {
141  SCIP_SOL** prevbestsols; /**< list of best solutions of all previous rounds */
142  SCIP_Real** objs; /**< list of objective coefficients */
143  SCIP_HISTORY*** varhistory; /**< collected variable history */
144  SCIP_REOPTCONSDATA** glbconss; /**< global constraints that need to be added at the beginning of the next iteration */
145  SCIP_REOPTCONSDATA* dualreds; /**< dual reductions that probably need to be reconstructed at this node */
146  SCIP_REOPTTREE* reopttree; /**< data structure to store the current reoptimization search tree */
147  SCIP_SOLTREE* soltree; /**< tree to handle all saved solutions */
148  SCIP_RANDNUMGEN* randnumgen; /**< random number generator */
149  SCIP_CLOCK* savingtime; /**< time needed to store the nodes */
150  SCIP_CONS** addedconss; /**< array of added constraints */
151  SCIP_Real simtolastobj; /**< similarity to the last objective function */
152  SCIP_Real simtofirstobj; /**< similarity to the first objective function */
153  SCIP_Longint lastbranched; /**< number of the last branched node */
154  SCIP_Longint lastseennode; /**< node number of the last caught event */
155  int nobjvars; /**< number of variables in the objective function */
156  int addedconsssize; /**< size of addedconss array */
157  int naddedconss; /**< number of constraints added */
158  SCIP_Bool objhaschanged; /**< TRUE iff the objective fucntion has changd */
159  SCIP_Bool consadded; /**< TRUE iff a constraint was added */
160  int nactiveconss; /**< number of active constraints stored in activeconss */
161  SCIP_CONS** activeconss; /**< storage for active constraints */
162  int nmaxactiveconss; /**< maximal number of active constraints stored in activeconss */
164  /* hashmaps to track global bound reductions and constraints deletion during presolving */
165  SCIP_HASHMAP* glblb; /**< global lower bounds after presolving of the first problem */
166  SCIP_HASHMAP* glbub; /**< global upper bounds after presolving of the first problem */
167  SCIP_HASHSET* activeconssset; /**< set of all active constraints after presolving the first problem */
169  /* data structure to track decisions based on dual information */
170  SCIP_Longint currentnode; /**< number of the current node */
171  int run; /**< number of the current reoptimization run */
172  int runsize; /**< allocated memory for runs */
173  int firstobj; /**< first non empty objective function */
174  int noptsolsbyreoptsol; /**< number of successive optimal solutions found by heur_reoptsols */
175  int nglbconss; /**< number of stored global constraints */
176  int allocmemglbconss; /**< allocated memory for global constraints */
177  int ncheckedsols; /**< number of updated solutions by reoptsols */
178  int nimprovingsols; /**< number of improving solutions found by reoptsols */
179  int nglbrestarts; /**< number of global restarts */
180  int ntotallocrestarts; /**< number of local restarts over all runs */
181  int nlocrestarts; /**< number of local restarts in the current iteration */
182  int firstrestart; /**< run with the first global restart or -1 of no restart */
183  int lastrestart; /**< run with the last global restart or -1 if no restart */
184 };
186 #ifdef __cplusplus
187 }
188 #endif
190 #endif
Definition: type_lp.h:59
SCIP_CONS ** activeconss
Definition: struct_reopt.h:161
unsigned int parentID
Definition: struct_reopt.h:116
Definition: type_reopt.h:51
Definition: struct_reopt.h:95
type definitions for miscellaneous datastructures
int firstrestart
Definition: struct_reopt.h:182
SCIP_Real simtofirstobj
Definition: struct_reopt.h:152
SCIP_BOUNDTYPE * afterdualvarboundtypes
Definition: struct_reopt.h:101
SCIP_Longint lastseennode
Definition: struct_reopt.h:154
SCIP_Bool updated
Definition: struct_reopt.h:60
SCIP_Real simtolastobj
Definition: struct_reopt.h:151
SCIP_REOPTNODE ** reoptnodes
Definition: struct_reopt.h:123
SCIP_SOL ** prevbestsols
Definition: struct_reopt.h:141
int nimprovingsols
Definition: struct_reopt.h:178
type definitions for collecting reoptimization information
type definitions for LP management
int nmaxactiveconss
Definition: struct_reopt.h:162
SCIP_BOUNDTYPE * varboundtypes
Definition: struct_reopt.h:100
SCIP_Bool dualreds
Definition: struct_reopt.h:105
Definition: struct_reopt.h:165
int ntotallocrestarts
Definition: struct_reopt.h:180
Definition: struct_reopt.h:71
SCIP_Bool objhaschanged
Definition: struct_reopt.h:158
int * solssize
Definition: struct_reopt.h:72
SCIP_SOLTREE * soltree
Definition: struct_reopt.h:147
Definition: struct_reopt.h:145
Definition: struct_reopt.h:70
int allocmemglbconss
Definition: struct_reopt.h:176
Definition: struct_reopt.h:166
SCIP_Longint currentnode
Definition: struct_reopt.h:170
type definitions for problem variables
SCIP_Real ** objs
Definition: struct_reopt.h:142
SCIP_CONS ** addedconss
Definition: struct_reopt.h:150
unsigned int * childids
Definition: struct_reopt.h:114
int nactiveconss
Definition: struct_reopt.h:160
int addedconsssize
Definition: struct_reopt.h:156
Definition: struct_reopt.h:98
Definition: struct_reopt.h:55
int nglbrestarts
Definition: struct_reopt.h:179
SCIP_REOPTTREE * reopttree
Definition: struct_reopt.h:146
#define SCIP_Bool
Definition: def.h:93
SCIP_HASHSET * activeconssset
Definition: struct_reopt.h:167
SCIP_VAR ** afterdualvars
Definition: struct_reopt.h:97
SCIP_SOLNODE * sibling
Definition: struct_reopt.h:58
unsigned int reoptnodessize
Definition: struct_reopt.h:135
type definitions for clocks and timing issues
SCIP_RANDNUMGEN * randnumgen
Definition: struct_reopt.h:148
int ntotalcutoffreoptnodes
Definition: struct_reopt.h:133
Definition: struct_reopt.h:144
type definitions for storing primal CIP solutions
SCIP_Bool initialized
Definition: struct_reopt.h:134
Definition: struct_reopt.h:54
SCIP_Bool consadded
Definition: struct_reopt.h:159
SCIP_VAR ** vars
Definition: struct_reopt.h:96
int noptsolsbyreoptsol
Definition: struct_reopt.h:174
SCIP_Real * varbounds
Definition: struct_reopt.h:102
SCIP_QUEUE * openids
Definition: struct_reopt.h:124
#define SCIP_Real
Definition: def.h:186
type definitions for branching and inference history
SCIP_Real * afterdualvarbounds
Definition: struct_reopt.h:103
#define SCIP_Longint
Definition: def.h:171
int ncheckedsols
Definition: struct_reopt.h:177
SCIP_Real value
Definition: struct_reopt.h:59
enum Reopt_ConsType REOPT_CONSTYPE
Definition: type_reopt.h:76
SCIP_VAR * var
Definition: struct_reopt.h:63
SCIP_HISTORY *** varhistory
Definition: struct_reopt.h:143
Definition: struct_reopt.h:99
common defines and data types used in all packages of SCIP
SCIP_Real lowerbound
Definition: struct_reopt.h:104
unsigned int reopttype
Definition: struct_reopt.h:117
SCIP_Longint lastbranched
Definition: struct_reopt.h:153
int nlocrestarts
Definition: struct_reopt.h:181
SCIP_CLOCK * savingtime
Definition: struct_reopt.h:149
type definitions for constraints and constraint handlers
SCIP_SOL * sol
Definition: struct_reopt.h:53