Go to the documentation of this file.
24 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
241 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
329 * "set" and "fix" dialog entries will be added when SCIPstartInteraction() is called on target SCIP
336 /** standard menu dialog execution method, that displays it's help screen if the remaining command line is empty */
377 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetLine(dialoghdlr, dialog, "write constraint in <cip> format\n", &str, &endoffile) );
385 SCIP_CALL( SCIPparseCons(scip, &cons, str, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, &success) );
434 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter variable name: ", &varname, &endoffile) );
457 (void)SCIPsnprintf(message, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "current lower bound <%.15g> (Return to skip): ", SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var));
476 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "ignore lower bound <%.15g> since it is larger than the current upper bound <%.15g>\n",
485 (void)SCIPsnprintf(message, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "current upper bound <%.15g> (Return to skip): ", SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var));
503 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "ignore new upper bound <%.15g> since it is smaller than the current lower bound <%.15g>\n",
514 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "variable <%s> global bounds [%.15g,%.15g]\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var), SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var));
552 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "new objective sense {min,max}: ", &objsense, &endoffile) );
623 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%-19s: %11.5e %11.5e\n", " bounds", SCIPsolGetAbsBoundViolation(sol), SCIPsolGetRelBoundViolation(sol));
624 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%-19s: %11.5e %11s\n", " integrality", SCIPsolGetAbsIntegralityViolation(sol), "-");
625 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%-19s: %11.5e %11.5e\n", " LP rows", SCIPsolGetAbsLPRowViolation(sol), SCIPsolGetRelLPRowViolation(sol));
626 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%-19s: %11.5e %11.5e\n", " constraints", SCIPsolGetAbsConsViolation(sol), SCIPsolGetRelConsViolation(sol));
653 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
860 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " prestim (presolve timing): 'f'ast, 'm'edium, 'e'xhaustive\n\n");
861 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " constraint handler chckprio enfoprio sepaprio sepaf propf eager prestim description\n");
862 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " ------------------ -------- -------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ------- -----------\n");
875 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " %c", (SCIPconshdlrGetPresolTiming(conshdlrs[i]) & SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_FAST) ? 'f' : ' ');
876 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%c", (SCIPconshdlrGetPresolTiming(conshdlrs[i]) & SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_MEDIUM) ? 'm' : ' ');
877 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%c ", (SCIPconshdlrGetPresolTiming(conshdlrs[i]) & SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_EXHAUSTIVE) ? 'e' : ' ');
902 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " display column header position width priority status description\n");
903 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " -------------- ------ -------- ----- -------- ------ -----------\n");
1176 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " priority: presolver called before constraint handlers iff priority > 0\n");
1178 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " maxrounds: -1: no limit, 0: off, >0: limited number of rounds\n\n");
1187 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " %c", (SCIPpresolGetTiming(presols[i]) & SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_FAST) ? 'f' : ' ');
1188 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%c", (SCIPpresolGetTiming(presols[i]) & SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_MEDIUM) ? 'm' : ' ');
1189 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%c ", (SCIPpresolGetTiming(presols[i]) & SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_EXHAUSTIVE) ? 'e' : ' ');
1222 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%8d%c ", SCIPpricerGetPriority(pricers[i]), SCIPpricerIsDelayed(pricers[i]) ? 'd' : ' ');
1269 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " presprio: propagator presolving called before constraint handlers iff presprio > 0\n");
1270 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " prestim (presolve timing): 'f'ast, 'm'edium, 'e'xhaustive\n\n");
1279 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%8d%c ", SCIPpropGetPriority(props[i]), SCIPpropIsDelayed(props[i]) ? 'd' : ' ');
1282 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, " %c", (SCIPpropGetPresolTiming(props[i]) & SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_FAST) ? 'f' : ' ');
1283 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%c", (SCIPpropGetPresolTiming(props[i]) & SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_MEDIUM) ? 'm' : ' ');
1284 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%c ", (SCIPpropGetPresolTiming(props[i]) & SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_EXHAUSTIVE) ? 'e' : ' ');
1329 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%8d%c ", SCIPsepaGetPriority(sepas[i]), SCIPsepaIsDelayed(sepas[i]) ? 'd' : ' ');
1363 /* check if there are infinite fixings and print a reference to 'display finitesolution', if needed */
1377 if( (SCIPisInfinity(scip, SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var)) || SCIPisInfinity(scip, -SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var))) )
1379 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "The primal solution contains variables fixed to infinite values.\n\
1380 If you want SCIP to display an optimal solution without infinite values, use 'display finitesolution'.\n");
1558 /* if there is only one active Benders decomposition, then there is no need to display the list of Benders */
1575 (void) SCIPsnprintf(prompt, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN-1, "index of decomposition [0-%d]: ", nactivebenders-1);
1595 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "Decomposition index out of bounds [0-%d].\n", nactivebenders-1);
1605 (void) SCIPsnprintf(prompt, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN-1, "index of subproblem [0-%d] or -1 for all: ", nsubproblems-1);
1626 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "Subproblem index out of bounds [0-%d] or -1.\n", nsubproblems-1);
1703 /* if there is only one active Benders decomposition, then there is no need to display the list of Benders */
1720 (void) SCIPsnprintf(prompt, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN-1, "index of decomposition [0-%d]: ", nactivebenders-1);
1742 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "Decomposition index out of bounds [0-%d].\n", nactivebenders-1);
1752 (void) SCIPsnprintf(prompt, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN-1, "index of subproblem [0-%d] or -1 for all: ", nsubproblems-1);
1775 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "Subproblem index out of bounds [0-%d] or -1.\n", nsubproblems-1);
1796 SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetupBendersSubproblem(scip, benders[idx], bestsol, subidx, SCIP_BENDERSENFOTYPE_CHECK) );
1898 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%8d %8d ", SCIPcomprGetPriority(sorted[i]), SCIPcomprGetMinNodes(sorted[i]));
1955 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter variable name: ", &varname, &endoffile) );
2270 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
2374 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
2408 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
2445 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
2467 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "saved non-default parameter settings to file <%s>\n", filename);
2515 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "\nInvalid value <%s> for bool parameter <%s>. Must be <0>, <1>, <FALSE>, or <TRUE>.\n\n",
2534 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%s = %s\n", SCIPparamGetName(param), SCIPparamGetBool(param) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
2556 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "\nInvalid value <%s> for int parameter <%s>. Must be integral in range [%d,%d].\n\n",
2579 (void) SCIPsnprintf(prompt, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "current value: %" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ", new value [%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ",%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "]: ",
2592 if( sscanf(valuestr, "%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT, &longintval) != 1 || !SCIPisLongintParamValid(scip, param, longintval) )
2594 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "\nInvalid value <%s> for longint parameter <%s>. Must be integral in range [%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ",%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT "].\n\n",
2595 valuestr, SCIPparamGetName(param), SCIPparamGetLongintMin(param), SCIPparamGetLongintMax(param));
2629 if( sscanf(valuestr, "%" SCIP_REAL_FORMAT, &realval) != 1 || !SCIPisRealParamValid(scip, param, realval) )
2631 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "\nInvalid real parameter value <%s> for parameter <%s>. Must be in range [%.15g,%.15g].\n\n",
2647 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%s = %.15g\n", SCIPparamGetName(param), SCIPparamGetReal(param));
2652 (void) SCIPsnprintf(prompt, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "current value: <%c>, new value: ", SCIPparamGetChar(param));
2688 (void) SCIPsnprintf(prompt, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "current value: <%s>, new value: ", SCIPparamGetString(param));
2717 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "%s = %s\n", SCIPparamGetName(param), SCIPparamGetString(param));
2753 (void) SCIPsnprintf(valuestr, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT, SCIPparamGetLongint(param));
2800 (void) SCIPsnprintf(prompt, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "current fixing status: %s, new value (TRUE/FALSE): ",
2817 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "<%s> %s\n", SCIPparamGetName(param), (fix ? "fixed" : "unfixed"));
2822 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "\nInvalid value <%s> for fixing status. Must be <0>, <1>, <FALSE>, or <TRUE>.\n\n",
2868 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "variable name: ", &valuestr, &endoffile) );
2925 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "\ninvalid input <%d>: direction must be -1, 0, or +1\n\n", direction);
2937 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "branching direction of variable <%s> set to %d\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), direction);
2961 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "variable name: ", &valuestr, &endoffile) );
2979 (void) SCIPsnprintf(prompt, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "current value: %d, new value: ", SCIPvarGetBranchPriority(var));
3002 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "branching priority of variable <%s> set to %d\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), SCIPvarGetBranchPriority(var));
3158 /* set parameters for counting problems; we do not reset parameters to their default values first, since the user
3173 /* set parameters for CP like search problems; we do not reset parameters to their default values first, since the
3188 /* set parameters for easy CIP problems; we do not reset parameters to their default values first, since the user
3203 /* set parameters for feasibility problems; we do not reset parameters to their default values first, since the user
3218 /* set parameters for problems with hard LP; we do not reset parameters to their default values first, since the user
3233 /* set parameters for problems to prove optimality fast; we do not reset parameters to their default values first,
3248 /* set parameters for problems to prove optimality fast; we do not reset parameters to their default values first,
3263 /* set parameters for problems to run in benchmark mode; we do not reset parameters to their default values first,
3289 (void) SCIPsnprintf(prompt, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "current value: %.15g, new value: ", SCIPgetObjlimit(scip));
3312 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "\ncannot relax objective limit from %.15g to %.15g after problem was transformed\n\n",
3347 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
3407 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &valuestr, &endoffile) );
3435 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "\nInvalid value <%s>. Must be <0>, <1>, <FALSE>, or <TRUE>.\n\n",
3462 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "\nInvalid value <%s>. Must be <0>, <1>, <FALSE>, or <TRUE>.\n\n",
3488 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "\nInvalid value <%s>. Must be <0>, <1>, <FALSE>, or <TRUE>.\n\n",
3537 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
3614 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
3665 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
3721 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
3763 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
3811 SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(SCIPgetMessagehdlr(scip), file, "finite solution could not be created\n");
3841 SCIP_CALL( SCIPdialoghdlrGetWord(dialoghdlr, dialog, "enter filename: ", &filename, &endoffile) );
3936 (void)SCIPsnprintf(prompt, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "Please enter %s validation reference bound (or use +/-infinity) :", primaldual[i]);
3948 SCIPdialogMessage(scip, NULL, "Could not parse value '%s', please try again or type 'q' to quit\n", refstrs[i]);
3953 /* check if the loop finished by checking the value of 'i'. Do not validate if user input is missing */
3958 SCIP_CALL( SCIPvalidateSolve(scip, refvals[0], refvals[1], SCIPfeastol(scip), FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL) );
4351 "finitesolution", "display best primal solution (try to make solution values finite, first)", FALSE, NULL) );
4395 "subsolution", "display solution to the Benders' decomposition subproblems given the best master problem solution", FALSE, NULL) );
4645 "write original problem to file (format is given by file extension, e.g., orig.{lp,rlp,cip,mps})",
4658 "write original problem with generic names to file (format is given by file extension, e.g., orig.{lp,rlp,cip,mps})",
4681 "finitesolution", "write best primal solution to file (try to make solution values finite, first)", FALSE, NULL) );
4715 "write current node transformed problem to file (format is given by file extension, e.g., trans.{lp,rlp,cip,mps})",
4728 "write current node transformed problem with generic names to file (format is given by file extension, e.g., trans.{lp,rlp,cip,mps})",
4741 "write graph of cliques and implications of binary variables to GML file (better call after presolving)",
4774 /** if a '/' occurs in the parameter's name, adds a sub menu dialog to the given menu and inserts the parameter dialog
4775 * recursively in the sub menu; if no '/' occurs in the name, adds a parameter change dialog into the given dialog menu
4885 /** if a '/' occurs in the parameter's name, adds a sub menu dialog to the given menu and inserts the parameter dialog